Thursday, September 16, 2010

Madi's padfolio

Start with some sunset fabric. Stitch on an M.
Moon sky on the back. I loved this!
Put in your sketchbook & pens.. done.
ceramic button, batik tie.

Gab's padfolio

For Gab's birthday. Roses on black. I had fun with this! black satin and red satin roses.

I found this 1/2 yard of celtic letters in my stash.
and a piece of black satin with red velvet roses. I knew I'd be cutting those out someday.
Silver cord.
Ready to Roll.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Sue's Birthday Padfolio

To replace the one that was stolen.
Ian helped design this one too. He's got a great eye

I have a new camera and I am getting used to the settings and software.
I lost a few in the transfer and these are not great but you get the idea.