Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today I started a batch of strawberry wine.
I used About 10 lbs of Strawberries

Puree in the blender.

Add 5lbs of sugar - put in a straining bag inside a fermenting bucket.
Smells like strawberry jam mmmm.

Add the juice of 4 or 5 limes, and a cup of strong tea (4 tea bags)

Add the other ingredients, (except the yeast) and about 2 gallons of boiling water.Looks nasty now! Those are a million strawberry seeds floating on top.

Cover and stir for 24 hours and add the yeast. Ferment!! Ferment!!

Check out the 2 berries I didn't puree! I switched to the blender as soon as I realized how long it would take to chop them all up.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting choice of lime to provide the acid. I'd be curious to see what a difference it makes over the straight citric acid powder. I'm sure it will taste fruitier. The grape tannin you get at the homebrew store is made from real grapes, so that wouldn't be an unnatural chemical, if you are so inclined to go the way of tannin.

    However, I'm beginning to question the notion that it's necessary for good wine. I made my blackberry wine without additional acid or tannins, and I can't believe how great it is.

    I really look forward to tasting this. The wines we make often reflect our personality, so I look forward to tasting this expression of you ;)
